Blog 1: Adam’s Plans

Hello everyone.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for visiting Biothorn and I want to welcome everyone to my first blog. I never once thought I’d find myself blogging but seeing the insane drop in social media interactions and reach, I have made the decision to take control of my own algorithm and interact with my followers on my own platform. Social media platforms are restricting your post’s visibility to encourage you to pay to boost your posts. I will of course still be using my social media but due to Instagram changing its algorithm so that at most, only 10% of your followers will actually see your posts, I feel for me to be in touch with my followers and be able to keep them updated with everything, creating my own platform is a great option.

I want this website to basically be everything in one. I want to Biothorn to be a place where I keep everyone updated with what I’m doing, Where I am in the world, TV shows I’m doing, what adventures I’m on or planning. I want Biothorn to be a place where I can tell people about cool animal things, interesting things that have been happening in my life and the wildlife world, like just now as I’m writing this, an elephant has escaped a circus and is currently roaming the streets of Montana. There is also a mass stranding of pilot whales 3 hours south of where I live in Perth. I want this website to be place where people can come to keep updated and enjoy my content, content that I have control over and no be at mercy of social media’s stupid algorithms. I want it to be a place people can come to listen to my podcast, or read about strange things going on in the animal world, connect with me on live chats, message me, come with me on animal adventures. I will even be creating a variety of courses that you can complete directly through this website. I will be creating a forum that everyone can be a part of and people can post on like a cool little community.

I have an idea of what I want Biothorn to be and before writing this blog I wasn’t quite sure exactly what that was. While writing this and seeing it in writing for the first time, it has turned a scrambled bunch of ideas into a clear image of a website community you can visit to for cool, interactive, educational, adventurous and funny content that you can all be a part of.

I am very excited to see how this goes. Stay tuned.


Adam Thorn.


Blog 2: Animals on the Loose!