Welcome to the wonderful world of Dino-Shrimp! This page will give you all you need to know about hatching, care, and transferring your Dino-Shrimp to a larger home. First of all, what are Dino-Shrimp? Dino-Shrimp are a group on animals called ‘triops’. They are crustaceans that have existed on Earth for about 300 million years. Since before the time of the dinosaurs! Dino-Shrimp resemble mini horseshoe crabs and grow to length of about 7cm. The eggs of the Dino-Shrimp have the amazing ability to hatch many years (decades) after they have been laid. The water and eggs can completely dry up, yet the Dino-Shrimp can still hatch decades later. Just add water!

If you would like to purchase a Dino-Shrimp Hatchery Kit, head on over to the shop

If you have already purchased a Dino-Shrimp Hatchery Kit, below are the instructions on how to hatch your new prehistoric friends! (the instructions may seem complicated but if you go step by step, it is actually quite simple and well worth it).

Things you will need.

-1 litre bottled natural spring water (deionised, pure natural spring water that has not been purified via reverse osmosis is ideal).

-Desk lamp. In a warm environment any lighting will work. In cooler environments, the lamp must produce some form of heat. (Fluorescent will not produce heat). The water must reach approximately 22⁰C (72⁰F) and not exceed 30⁰C (86⁰F).

Watch the Dino-Shrimp Hatching Instruction Video Below.

Hatching the Dino-Shrimp Eggs.

- Rinse container with Natural spring water. Once dry, attach stick-on thermometer sideways on the outside of container.

- Place the container somewhere warm and well lit. A window seal or close to a window is a good option.

- Fill the container to just below the brim with bottled natural spring water.

- It is important that the water temperature is at least 22⁰C - (72⁰F). Use the stick-on thermometer as a guide.

- If the water is not at least 22⁰C (72⁰F), place a desk lamp facing the container to warm the water. Adjust the position of the lamp until the thermometer reaches the ideal temperature. Ideal temperatures for Dino-Shrimp are between 22⁰C (72⁰F) - 30⁰C (86⁰F). Dino-Shrimp eggs must get at least 12 hours of light a day.

*Important- Make sure an adult is present*

- Once the water has reached a minimum of 22⁰C (72⁰F), pour the contents of the RED vial into the water. Rinse the vial out in the water to ensure all the eggs and special growth formula have been used.

- Using the long feeding spoon, stir the water. Make sure none of the eggs or growth formula are stuck to the side of the container. You may also use the pipette sucker to suck up water and drip on the sides of the container to rinse any eggs back into the water.

- Check the container regularly to make sure there is nothing stuck to the sides of the container.

The eggs should start to hatch within 24-48 hours. Not all eggs will hatch at the same time and not all eggs will hatch. You will notice small, white specks bobbing around in the container. The Dino-Shrimp will double in size every day and by day 14, they will pretty much be fully grown. There are a minimum of 10 eggs per kit. Note: Not all eggs will hatch and not all hatchlings will make it to adulthood. This is perfectly natural.

Feeding and Cleaning

*Do not feed the Dino-Shrimp for the first 3 days after hatching*

- 3 days after hatching, use the long feeding spoon and dip the very tip of it into the GREEN baby food vial. Ensure only a tiny amount of the baby food is on the spoon. Dip it into the water and gently stir to mix the food into the water. After a few hours, use the pipette sucker and remove any waste or excess food from the water. Feed the babies twice a day for the next few days. Increase the amount of food as the Dino-Shrimp grow.

- Using spring water, keep the water level topped up. Make sure to add only a small amount of water at a time.

- 7 days after hatching, perform a partial water change. Using the sucking pipette and remove about a third of the water. Be careful not to suck up any Dino-Shrimp. Gently refill the water with natural Spring water.

- 14 days after hatching, your Dino-Shrimp will be ready to change to their adult food. Using the feeding spoon, scoop half a spoonful of food from the BLUE adult food vial. Gently mix it into the water.

Note- Your Dino-Shrimp will be frequently shedding their skin as they grow. Use the pipette sucker to suck up the shedded skin and any other waste in the container. It is recommended to also aerate the water by blowing a few bubbles into the water with the pipette every few days. Adult Dino-Shrimp can eat a wide range of food like small pieces of carrot, sinking carnivorous fish food, pieces of lettuce and dried plankton.


After 10-14 days, your Dino-Shrimp will require a larger space to live. It is recommended you transfer them to a larger container. Below are instructions on transferring your Dino-Shrimp to a larger home.


Your Dino-Shrimp will require at least 2 litres of water per individual Dino-Shrimp. Depending on how many Dino-Shrimp have successfully made it to adulthood will determine how big the new container will have to be. Most containers that can hold water will be suitable for your Dino-Shrimp. Larger containers or aquariums may require an aquarium heater, depending on what climate you live in.


- Use natural spring water (deionised, pure natural spring water that has not been purified via reverse osmosis works best).

-The water temperature has to be between 22⁰C (72⁰F) and 30⁰C (86⁰F).

- Once the water has been added to the new container and the water temperature is correct, start adding water from the hatching container into the new container and using the pipette sucker, start dropping water from the new container into the hatching container. Do this so at least half the water in the hatching container has been replaced with the water from the new container. This is to help adjust the Dino-Shrimp to the new water. You can also float the hatching container in the new container to get the water temperature in the hatching container the same as the water in the new container. Wait 2 hours and gently pour the Dino-Shrimp into the new container. It is important that the water from the hatching container is transferred into the new container as it contains vital nutrients.


Dino-Shrimp love digging. Fine aquarium sand is perfect for the bottom of the container. Be sure to have places where your Dino-Shrimp can hide and play. Your new Dino-Shrimp container should resemble a set up you would have for small fish.

*Please note- Dino-Shrimp have a lifespan of about 90 days. It is likely they will lay their own eggs within this time. This means you can re-hatch and continue the Dino-Shrimp lifecycle. Dino-Shrimp do not need a mate to lay viable eggs. A Single Dino-Shrimp can lay dozens of eggs.