Thorn’s Jungle

Wildlife adventurer, jungle explorer and co-host of History Channel’s Kings of Pain, Adam Thorn delves into interesting topics about animals, the jungle, cryptozoology and everything in between.

Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 30- Project Prehistoric Primate

Adam Thorn discusses the mysterious giant primate skull he is currently piecing back together. Could it be a new discovery?!

Adam Thorn discusses the mysterious giant primate skull he is currently piecing back together. Could it be a new discovery?!

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 27- Pant Hoot Podcast: Monkey or Ape?

On this Pant Hoot Podcast edition of Thorn’s Jungle, Adam discusses whether or not you can call a monkey an ape or an ape a monkey.

On this Pant Hoot Podcast edition of Thorn’s Jungle, Adam discusses whether or not you can call a monkey an ape or an ape a monkey.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 17- Recent Jungle Adventure

Adam Thorn discusses his most recent jungle adventure and a mystery ape he went searching for.

Adam Thorn discusses his most recent jungle adventure and a mystery ape he went searching for.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 16- The Tale of the Tapir (with special guest & UFO encounter)

Adam’s brother, Scott joins this episode of Thorn’s Jungle to chat about what a wild adventure it was filming the documentary ‘ The Tale of the Tapir’ in the Malaysian jungle with Adam. On this expedition we encountered a native tribe of people, ran into an angry heard of elephants and encountered a UFO.

Adam’s brother, Scott joins this episode of Thorn’s Jungle to chat about what a wild adventure it was filming the documentary ‘ The Tale of the Tapir’ in the Malaysian jungle with Adam. On this expedition we encountered a native tribe of people, ran into an angry heard of elephants and encountered a UFO.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 09- Can Nessie Exist?

Adam Thorn discusses the possibilities of the Loch Ness Monster existing.

Adam Thorn discusses the possibilities of the Loch Ness Monster existing

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 04- Q&A with Adam Thorn

I asked people on Instagram to ask me any questions and I will answer them on this episode. I got about 1,000 questions. I managed to answer some of them. Some of them were the same questions as others and about 500 of them were questions about season 2 of Kings of Pain.

I asked people on Instagram to ask me any questions and I answer them on this episode. I got about 1,000 questions. I managed to answer some of them. Some of them were the same questions as others and about 500 of them were questions about season 2 of Kings of Pain.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 03- The Temple of the Viper

Adam Thorn talks about how he got into being an onscreen wildlife host and the making of his very first documentary and some behind the scenes stories.

Adam Thorn talks about how he got into being an onscreen wildlife host, the making of his very first documentary and some behind the scenes stories.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Thorn's Jungle Introduction

Welcome to Thorn’s Jungle!

This podcast is going to be me, Adam Thorn, animal adventurer, jungle explorer and host of History Channel’s TV series ‘ Kings of Pain’.

The topics I’ll be talking about will include animal mysteries, cryptozoology, cool animal discussions, zoology and new wildlife discoveries.

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