Thorn’s Jungle

Wildlife adventurer, jungle explorer and co-host of History Channel’s Kings of Pain, Adam Thorn delves into interesting topics about animals, the jungle, cryptozoology and everything in between.

Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 24- A Walk Among the Tomistomas

Attacks from the elusive false gharial are on the rise. Adam Thorn investigates!

Attacks from the elusive false gharial are on the rise. Adam Thorn investigates!

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 17- Recent Jungle Adventure

Adam Thorn discusses his most recent jungle adventure and a mystery ape he went searching for.

Adam Thorn discusses his most recent jungle adventure and a mystery ape he went searching for.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 04- Q&A with Adam Thorn

I asked people on Instagram to ask me any questions and I will answer them on this episode. I got about 1,000 questions. I managed to answer some of them. Some of them were the same questions as others and about 500 of them were questions about season 2 of Kings of Pain.

I asked people on Instagram to ask me any questions and I answer them on this episode. I got about 1,000 questions. I managed to answer some of them. Some of them were the same questions as others and about 500 of them were questions about season 2 of Kings of Pain.

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