Thorn’s Jungle

Wildlife adventurer, jungle explorer and co-host of History Channel’s Kings of Pain, Adam Thorn delves into interesting topics about animals, the jungle, cryptozoology and everything in between.

Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 28- Maltese Blue Tiger

Reports of a Blue tiger roaming the mountains of China have existed for years. Adam Thorn investigates sightings and the possibility of these magnificently colored tigers existing.

Reports of a Blue tiger roaming the mountains of China have existed for years. Adam Thorn investigates sightings and the possibility of these magnificently colored tigers existing.

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 19- The Tsavo Man-Eaters

in 1898, over 100 people were killed by 2 lions whilst building a railway bridge. Adam Thorn investigates!

in 1898, over 100 people were killed by 2 lions whilst building a railway bridge. Adam Thorn investigates!

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Ep 02- Bili Ape

Imagine encountering a group of mysterious giant chimpanzees in the Congo. Adam Thorn investigates.

imagine encountering a group of mysterious giant chimpanzees in the Congo. Adam Thorn investigates

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Adam Thorn Adam Thorn

Thorn's Jungle Introduction

Welcome to Thorn’s Jungle!

This podcast is going to be me, Adam Thorn, animal adventurer, jungle explorer and host of History Channel’s TV series ‘ Kings of Pain’.

The topics I’ll be talking about will include animal mysteries, cryptozoology, cool animal discussions, zoology and new wildlife discoveries.

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